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How to Get Rid of Pain: 10 Best Natural Pain Relief Remedies


We all experience pain once in a while. Whether it is an ache in the back, head, or stomach, it becomes challenging to perform everyday tasks with the acute pain and suffering you might be experiencing. Ibuprofen is among those common over the counter medicines that are used to alleviate pain. However, the consumption of such medicines for a long period of time may actually cause stomachache, nausea, kidney damage, and even a severe headache! As a result, people are increasingly searching for the best natural pain relief remedies that they can use to get rid of a wide array of pain.

Best Natural Home Remedies to Alleviate Pain

Natural Pain Relief

Pain in the body is a red flag that something is not right with the body. These pain symptoms are your first response that “something” needs to be healed within the body. Products in the marketplace today formulated by pharmaceutical companies work to medically blocking pain messages from the brain. In the beginning, it may appear like a perfect solution, however by blocking these pain messages but still allowing movements within the afflicted area can further exacerbate the problem.

Unlike medical pain relief, natural pain relief works by targeting the underlying issue to begin the healing process. So, here are some best natural pain relief remedies that you can try at your home.


Turmeric is a time-honored remedy for pain relief. It has anti-inflammatory benefits that prevent blood clotting. Curcumin is an ingredient present in the turmeric that promotes healing by lowering the level of enzymes that create inflammation in the body. The pain-reducing power in the turmeric helps reduce arthritis, stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, and many more.

White Willow Bark

White willow Bark is another remedy for pain relief. It has been used for ages to lessen inflammation and fever. China and Europe are two countries where people still use it to treat back pain. Salicin present in the white willow bark is just like aspirin that converts to salicylic acid in the stomach. As compared to aspirin, it works slowly. However, the effects usually last longer.


The Boswellia tree has gained an enormous reputation for its healing properties. The resin in Boswellia helps in reducing pain and inflammation. People have been using Frankincense or olibanum extracted from resin to reduce pain and improve mobility. It is among the Natural pain relief supplements that have some other health benefits such as improving digestion, oral health, and reducing asthma. People who take Boswellia tend to observe less pain.


Traditional medicine has used Feverfew for the treatment of pain, especially stomachache, toothache, arthritis, and migraine headache for many years. Those who receive Feverfew experience a significant improvement in their pain. Featherfew and Bachelor’s Buttons are two other names of Feverfew that are popular worldwide. Flavonoids, volatile, and parthenolide are some compounds found in this plant. Feverfew turns out to be a great alternative to medicines.


Many people use it on a daily basis as food seasoning but still not aware of the fact that it is traditional natural medicine. As compared to ibuprofen, the extract of ginger has more powerful and effective anti-inflammatory benefits. Apart from its aromatic taste, it is one of the natural remedies for joint pain and inflammation because of its anticancer and antioxidant properties. It has also been believed that ginger extract may prevent ulcers, tumors, and migraines as well.

Cats Claw

Cat’s claw is named for its hook-like thorns. It is native to the Amazon as well as some other areas of South America. A hormone called prostaglandin results in the inflammation and pain in the body. The compounds present in the Cat’s claw has anti-inflammatory properties that block the production of that hormone. Due to the antioxidant and immune-modulating effects, people have been using it for the treatment of arthritis.

Practices for Pain Relief – Popular Natural Options

Pain is inevitable; everyone experiences it at some point in time. A lot of people take the road of pharmaceutical medication to alleviate the pain. However, these medications over a long-term period can turn out to be most harmful because of the bagful of side effects and risks that come with them.

Here are some natural practices available to you, that is an option to alleviate the pain.


Did you know that the body’s natural energy pathways help in relieving pain? Well, acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice that balances these natural pathways. The procedure includes inserting tiny needles into the skin so that the body can release serotonin and ease pain.

Yoga and Exercises



Maintaining a body in good condition improves pain conditions. It is essential to add stretching exercises or yoga to ease the discomfort caused by pain. Stretching exercises result in managing back pain. On the other hand, relaxation techniques and breathing exercises help in reducing stress and anxiety. Therefore, yoga combined with stretching exercises may help in improving pain symptoms, headaches, and even arthritis.

Heat and Ice Therapy

Ice packs and heating pads are some of the surefire ways to treat pain. Heat therapy includes improving the blood flow of a specific area to increase muscle flexibility and quell the discomfort. It helps in relaxing the tightened and sore muscles.

Cold therapy includes decreasing the blood flow of a particular area to help the muscle relax. It helps in reducing the risk of tissue damage or swelling. In some cases, both heat and ice therapy is used for a natural chronic pain relief pathway to healing.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is among the common yet effective remedies that help to quell pain, especially back pain. Therapeutic massage involves the application of hands to improve joint flexibility and relieve lower back pain. Conditions such as arthritis, muscle injuries, poor posture, stress, and anxiety can be treated with massage therapy. Some of the massage techniques are Swedish, deep tissue, craniosacral, and reiki.

Natural Pain Relief – Can It Work For Me?

To suffer from pain is something that nobody would like to imagine, but there are times when people have no choice. Since there are different types of pain, natural pain relievers may not be effective for all. Therefore, people with severe pain are suggested to discuss the matter with their health care providers. They will help to diagnose the cause behind the pain and provide pain management approaches to suppress the pain. But don’t discount a natural approach which can work with your body, not against it!

Bottom Line

Pain is a part of every person’s life; we all experience it at some point in time. The best natural pain relief remedies work effectively and provide people with the utmost comfort and convenience. However, one should also consult a doctor before taking any natural medication. Remember just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s without risk. Mother nature is very powerful and in our opinion is always a better approach than relying specifically on a pharmaceutical product.

Our blog post is a collaborative effort by the founders of More Natural Healing in conjunction with Editors of Renewed Health Alliance, and our board of advisors including doctors, herbalists, and experts in using natural herbs and supplements to enhance our daily lives. We only provide information that has been researched, validated, and vetted for our posts and includes validation from experts in the herbal community.  A person of interest on our team is:
Cindy Burrows, B.S., M.T., Herbalist, and Nutritional Health Consultant. Cindy helps individuals start health programs to improve their life, wellness, and happiness. She is a speaker, writer, and entrepreneur of several businesses. Cindy is a contributing writer and blogger for More Natural Healing & Renewed Health Alliance

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