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Should Some Positive Changes in Lifestyle can Help People with Fibromyalgia?


People with Fibromyalgia know how it feels to live with chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain. It also causes issues with sleep, memory, and the mood of the person. It is difficult to cope with daily life when you find yourself fatigued by chronic pain, and it becomes necessary to find solutions, both natural and pharmaceutical made for pain relief.

Some more recent herbal supplement formulas, like Zen-Alleve, work as a natural pain relief for Fibromyalgia. These natural formulas work to replace the over-the-counter NSAIDs that can become so harmful for your health, if taken in excess… or daily, just to find relief… However, there are lifestyle changes that people with Fibromyalgia must incorporate as well in order to cope with the condition

Making lifestyle changes can be overwhelming, but you need to know what should be changed and how?

First things first, break it down into manageable parts. If you notice how aspects of your life contribute to your symptoms, then that is where you can start making some positive changes. Everyone leads a different lifestyle, and even Fibromyalgia can be different for each individual, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, this article will guide you into making positive changes that help improve the quality of your life.


1. Your Diet

There is no specific diet linked to relieving the symptoms of Fibromyalgia; however, eating a healthy diet seems to help wherein emphasizing or avoiding specific food items or food groups may help you feel better. It is also common for people with Fibromyalgia to have certain food sensitivities, which can often aggravate symptoms.

Seems certain foods should be avoided as not to cause these symptoms to flare up and trigger pain.

  • Gluten
  • Red meat
  • Fruits and vegetables in the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, white potatoes, green peppers, and goji berries
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Caffeine

2. Exercise

It seems absurd to suggest exercise when you have debilitating fatigue and constant pain, which worsens when you exert yourself. Despite knowing that, there is one thing about exercise that everyone should know: it does not have to be filled with hours of sweating it out at the local gym. Instead, you have to find a comfortable level of exercise for you. It could be 2 minutes of stretching or even just two stretches that count. The key here is to be consistent with what you are doing and not about overexerting yourself to the point of exhaustion.

Look for mild workouts like low-impact aerobic exercises, yoga, pilates, walking, and swimming. With time, you will be able to increase the amount you are able to do. And even if you can't progress, that's okay too! The key is to take it slowly and gently and back off entirely if what you do makes you crash. Use your judgment, and if you have severe issues, exercise may not be a suitable option, so it is better to consult any workout routine with your doctor.


3. Holding a Job

What people with chronic illnesses fear the most is the uncertainty they have to deal with on a daily basis and whether they can keep doing their job without becoming fatigued. Jobs provide us a source of income, health, self-worth, and for someone with Fibromyalgia, it can actually be an escape to help keep our minds clear and focus on something other than the constant pain.

Different people find different ways to manage Fibromyalgia; some choose to change jobs or positions, some work around flexible working hours, some keep working but with reasonable accommodation from their employers, while some realize they cannot continue working.


4. Get Better Sleep

People with Fibromyalgia often face problems of unrefreshing sleep. Even a whole night's sleep fails to make you feel rested. These sleep disorders make quality sleep a rarity. The irony of this condition is that quality sleep is one of its best remedies. It is not in our control to solve all of our sleep issues, but the amount and quality of sleep can always be improved.

Supplements like Zen-Kala Gold with CBD work like a natural remedy for sore muscles and help bring your body back into its “circadian rhythm” so that you can get quality sleep. Finding more natural approaches to alleviating your pain, and encouraging a more productive sleep cycle will go a long way in arresting the effects of Fibromyalgia. These natural products also work without causing any side effects. Even as these products are becoming more main-stream, and studies are proving their worth, it is always best to consult your doctor about your sleeping patterns and the medications you take.

5. Pacing Yourself

Pacing yourself just means slowing down until your energy level matches the level of activity. This simple concept is more often than not challenging for some people with hectic lives and very little downtime.

Having a chronic illness like Fibromyalgia does not change the fact that there are certain things lined up for you to get done. However, where we go wrong... is when we push ourselves to do it all on our good days. The problem with hurrying on good days is that it leaves you fatigued and burned out for the next three days! Why? Because you did more than your body could handle. The push-crash-push cycle fails to work in your favor; hence it's important to break out of it. Don’t let this approach be your normal cycle.

Practice pacing techniques that will help you manage your responsibilities while safeguarding your well-being at the same time. By finding the right pace and incorporating the same in your daily life, you can learn to get things done and stay within your energy limits.

6. Learn to Cope

Living with a chronic or debilitating illness demands you come to terms with health-imposed limitations and changes in lifestyle that can be difficult to adapt. These types of illnesses can often leave people feeling depressed, afraid, insecure, and hopeless. But just as you would learn pacing techniques, exercises and improve your diet, you must also develop good coping skills. This includes changing your outlook on things.

A huge part of coping with chronic illness is reaching acceptance which does not mean giving in to your condition— it's more about accepting the reality and making a conscious effort to improve it, rather than waiting helplessly for a miracle cure or fighting against it. Accepting things makes it easier to live in a solution-centric mindset and move forward in life.

To Sum it up…

If you have a debilitating condition that keeps you from enjoying life to its fullest potential, there is help. Aside from seeing your doctor daily or weekly, it’s practical to take charge of your condition and many times turn things to your favor. Follow these simple steps, diet, exercise, being productive, getting the right amount of sleep, pacing yourself, and learning coping skills. These actions combined with the right naturally supportive products can do a world of good and help keep you from feeling defeated. At the very least, they should keep you out of the doctors office and on a path to better health.

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Our blog post is a collaborative effort by the founders of More Natural Healing in conjunction with Editors of Renewed Health Alliance, and our board of advisors including doctors, herbalists, and experts in using natural herbs and supplements to enhance our daily lives. We only provide information that has been researched, validated, and vetted for our posts and includes validation from experts in the herbal community.


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