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Why is Dang Gui called the Queen of all Herbs?

Dang Gui


Herbal therapy is widely used and well known today. In ancient times it was only used as an essential component of traditional Chinese medicine. When applying herbal therapy, the human body is remarkable in that we all have self-healing mechanisms that can be activated with a touch of nature. Such therapy and herbal supplements awaken the body’s ability to restore blocked resources. Strengthening your body with the support of herbs helps you in the prevention and/or treatment of disease. Especially when you regularly use herbs, it aids in maintaining a harmonious lifestyle.

An Overview of Dang Gui:

Similar to other herbs, Dang Gui is powerful, effective and has been in use as a medicine and spice for thousands of years. This herb can be found in the formulas of many supplements and is easily available at most natural herb stores. It is wild celery with smooth purple stems and boasts clusters of white flowers and fruit in the summer. Regardless of the other parts, the yellow-brown root of the perennial plant is considered the most eloquent for usage in Chinese medicine.

Perks of DANG GUI for the female body:

Dang Gui has been used historically to treat women's health conditions. The herb contains phytoestrogens that mimic the estrogen in the body. It is said to help in balancing women's hormone levels both restraining and supplementing the body’s production of estrogen as needed. Although Dang Gui is not estrogenic, it has similar effects, binding to estrogen receptors in women.

The Dang Gui herb has been used to treat a women’s menstrual cycle and menopause symptoms that include issues such as migraines, cramps, hot flashes, and mood swings. Moreover, it is said to help speed a woman's recovery from childbirth and the symptoms related to childbirth.

Another name for dang gui is “female ginseng” because it is useful in treating many symptoms of menopause and PMS. This plant has such an impact on balancing your health due to its soothing and purifying effects. Dang Gui does act as a blood-thinning agent, so it should not be used in conjunction with Warrfin.

What About Men?

blood pressure


Even though it is said that Dang Gui is only beneficial to assist in women's health, it is also effective for men. The calming effect can quiet anyone’s mind and it’s also known to ease symptoms related to inflammation, fatigue, headache, and high blood pressure. A study by Korean researchers has found that Dang Gui prevents bone loss in humans. Scientists continue to learn new and exciting benefits regarding this natural herb. Dang Gui remains one of the most popular herbs in China and is often used in Europe and North America. Check out your local or on-line herbal supplement store to discover this amazing herb and the formulas utilizing its benefits.

Benefits of Dang Gui:

1. Prevent Heart Diseases

Studies have shown that injecting ginseng reduces chest pain. Dang Gui helps in improving heart function and increasing exercise tolerance in people with heart disease. The herb relaxes the muscles, which also reduces the chances of illness entering your body. The Dang Gui herb keeps the arteries dilated, helping to maintain regular blood flow and heartbeat.

2. Stroke

Consuming Dang Gui intravenously for 20 straight days has a positive impact on brain cells. It improves brain function in people who have experienced a stroke due to blocked blood flow to the brain.

3. Menopausal and Menstrual Symptoms

Menopausal and Menstrual

This natural herb is said to help balance the women's hormone levels. It treats menopausal symptoms including cramps and mood fluctuations too. The overall effect that Dang Gui gives, is still not clear, however, the beneficial effects on menopausal symptoms are evident. You can clearly observe the reduction in hot flashes during menopause.

In women with irregular menstrual cycles, Dang Gui has been used to regulate and enrich the blood, promote blood circulation, and treat blood deficiency patterns associated with menstrual disorders such as dysmenorrhea and irregular menstrual cycles. As Dang Gui tones the blood and can act as a blood-thinning herb, it is, however, not recommended to take during heavy menstrual cycles.

4. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

This powerful herb can reduce inflammation at the cellular level and has an excellent anti-inflammatory profile. It can enhance the immune system, protecting the heart, and works at preventing myocardial infarction. It can tone, replenish and invigorate the blood moving the inflammation and pain through the body’s system. Recent studies have shown this herb to be effective to treat arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Our Zen-Alleve pain relief formula contains this powerful herb and was created to assist people with these underlying inflammatory issues.

5. Problems After Pregnancy

Dang Gui is an important herb for usage during postpartum periods. It is said that taking Dang Gui helps to increase blood production and revive weakened blood circulation.

6. Premature Ejaculation

Applying a mixture of Dang Gui and other herbs might improve premature ejaculation. You can add other herbs in your paste such as Panax ginseng root, torlidis seed, clove flower, cinnamon bark, and other herbs.

7. High Blood Pressure

Dang Gui has been used to treat angina, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat. Some studies have shown that the effect of Dang Gui may help you to treat chronic pulmonary hypertension in people. Drinking Dang Gui of 250 ml for up to 10 days is said to decrease pressure and improves blood flow in people with pulmonary hypertension.

There are a variety of other benefits of Dang Gui, it helps relax the muscles throughout the body while protecting your body from diseases. Not only does it relax the muscles but also it keeps arteries dilated, helping to maintain regular blood flow and heartbeat.

With so many benefits Dang Gui will help enhance your lifestyle, health, and wellness. It will let you experience healthy living and allow you to live a strong life.

Final thoughts…

Although Dang Gui has so many beneficial attributes, this natural herb should not be consumed during pregnancy as it may cause the uterus to contract while increasing the chance of miscarriage. It should also not be used if you are taking a blood-thinner, as in Warfarin. Other than that, you can take Dang Gui for its other many go to benefits.

Our blog post is a collaborative effort by the founders of More Natural Healing in conjunction with Editors of Renewed Health Alliance, and our board of advisors including doctors, herbalists, and experts in using natural herbs and supplements to enhance our daily lives. We only provide information that has been researched, validated, and vetted for our posts and includes validation from experts in the herbal community.  A person of interest on our team is:
Cindy Burrows, B.S., M.T., Herbalist, and Nutritional Health Consultant. Cindy helps individuals start health programs to improve their life, wellness, and happiness. She is a speaker, writer, and entrepreneur of several businesses. Cindy is a contributing writer and blogger for More Natural Healing & Renewed Health Alliance

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