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An Incredible Green Libation - Complete Superfood Drink

Who among us are searching for a great, strong, beneficial shot of goodness to get us going? If you could find a drink that tastes incredible and refreshing, that combats aging, restores your youth and helps you lose weight….you would be ready to gulp it down! Am I Right?

Green Science Complete Superfood Green Drink

Okay, I know that green drinks are not appealing to most and definitely is an acquired taste for a lot of us. But we’re not talking about just any blend, we’re speaking of Green Science a doctor formulated arrangement of 52 amazing fruits and veggies, that by-passes those awful tasting brands and actually taste great!  Officially, yes many Green drinks are VERY HEALTHY for us but there is an art of selecting a variety of greens and fruit you blend up which give you a taste you can enjoy.  Add to that, a formula that a certified anti-aging specialist had a hand in creating? You just WIN!

Honestly, if you have the time to do all of this blending… Then, great blend away!

For the rest of us, who are busy and need to use one of the many choices of Green powders and there is plenty to choose from… I personally choose Green Science.

Here is the best, to my knowledge, of flavor, ingredients and cost. A secret to amazing health, Green Science, a powdered green drink that contains all the selected ingredients your body needs to detox the bad stuff from your system and bring into it all the good stuff.

This power packed, super food superior drink includes ingredients like:

Collagen 1 and 3: It improves and strengthens aging skin, hair, muscles, tendons and bones.

Probiotics: Help aid in balancing the good and bad bacteria in your gut, all of this keeps your gut working healthier and support the immune functions and helps lose weight.

green science detox powder

Herbs and Spices: High antioxidants and anti- inflammatory that assist in ridding the body of abnormal cells and decreasing pain. Like turmeric, organic ginger and parsley, among many others, help detox your body.

Fruits and veggies: A high concentration of the best greens and fruit, high chlorophyll content, minerals and vitamins to help the body resist to disease.

This Green Science libation can aid in boosting your metabolism while helping with joint pain and weight loss. It can increase muscle mass and aid in gut support while helping you lose that fat faster.As well this best natural anti aging products provide Type 1 & 3 Collagen to improve your skin. 

It gives you incredible energy, stamina and slows down that aging process. Imagine 52 ingredients in just ONE easy to use scoop of Green Science goodness, a Revolutionary Formula!

Give this Green drink a trial run; you just might find you like it and a with a consistent daily drink it will give you the energy and well-being your body deserves and will LOVE!

Also you can view our Green Science Video here:

Our blog post is a collaborative effort by the founders of More Natural Healing in conjunction with Editors of Renewed Health Alliance, and our board of advisors including doctors, herbalists, and experts in using natural herbs and supplements to enhance our daily lives. We only provide information that has been researched, validated, and vetted for our posts and includes validation from experts in the herbal community.  A person of interest on our team is:
Cindy Burrows, B.S., M.T., Herbalist, and Nutritional Health Consultant. Cindy helps individuals start health programs to improve their life, wellness, and happiness. She is a speaker, writer, and entrepreneur of several businesses. Cindy is a contributing writer and blogger for More Natural Healing & Renewed Health Alliance


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